Monday, December 10, 2007

In Retrospect

I started the blog early in the year but didnt post anything much here.. But now I think maybe I will change that.

I only hope I would update the blog as regularly as I do my with my life, food and other perspectives blogs..

But my biggest worry is the fact that I like to move from one interest to another at the drop of a hat, so to speak.. Then I'd lose interest in the previous hobby altogether until a new, tiny atom of something re-ignites the spark again. Nevertheless, maybe I shouldnt worry about that now.

This is where I occassionally work - outside - the lights are good and the water spurting at the pond is just so soothing. Mornings are the best time till the sun changes angle and shines directly to the corner.

.. and these are bits of the stuff I use (there are lots more in the cupboard..)


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